(028) 36 088 688 - (028) 35 925 339 2977/14 - Highway 1 - Quarter 5- Tan Thoi Nhat Ward - District 12 - Tp. Ho Chi Minh [email protected]



Should wear a cloth mask or medical mask?

Currently, wearing a medical mask is recommended as one of the measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus (2019-nCoV) new acute respiratory infections. However, before the situation of limited supply of medical masks, the wearing of cloth masks is effective or not is what everyone always cares about.


1. Wearing a mask do anything?


Currently, acute respiratory infections caused by new strains of corona virus (2019-nCoV) cause medical masks, cloth masks, 3M masks, etc., which are always "hunted" by people. epidemic prevention.


Usually the main types of masks are:

  • Preventing dust;
  • Prevent chemicals, car exhaust;
  • Preventing microorganisms.

However, preventing dust, chemicals or microorganisms depends on the type of mask. At the same time, with the current epidemic situation, masks are used to prevent droplets from other people getting into their noses and mouths..


Đeo khẩu trang khi bị cúm A /H1N1
Wearing a mask helps prevent disease

2. Should wear a cloth mask or medical mask to prevent epidemics?


Before the situation of limited supply of medical masks, should wearing cloth masks or medical masks to prevent epidemics? Wearing a cloth mask is good, is it resistant to corona virus? Is something that people are always interested in.


Accordingly, most types of masks such as: 3-layer medical masks, 3M masks, N95 masks, cloth masks ... can be used to prevent droplets of people around such as coughing and sneezing. Slightly, mucous nose, spit sticking. Therefore, if people cannot buy a medical mask, they should not be too worried. Instead, people can wear a regular cloth mask.


However, wearing a medical mask, also called an active mask, is a disposable mask, a cloth mask can be used many times, so people need to have a few to do regular washing at least 1 times / day.



Địa chỉ: 2977/14 - Highway 1 - Quarter 5 - Tan Thoi Nhat Ward - District 12 - Tp. Ho Chi Minh

Hotline: (028) 36 088 688

Phone : (028) 35 925 339

Email: [email protected]

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