(028) 36 088 688 - (028) 35 925 339 2977/14 - Highway 1 - Quarter 5- Tan Thoi Nhat Ward - District 12 - Tp. Ho Chi Minh [email protected]



Applying Kangaroo method in care and treatment of preterm infants at the Pediatric Hospital of Lao Cai Province

Care and treatment of newborns in general and premature and low birth weight babies in particular is very special care and treatment. Each year, the Neonatal Resuscitation Department of Lao Cai Maternity Hospital receives thousands of patients. In which premature neonates account for 30-40%. The treatment and care of premature babies faces many difficulties, not only due to complex diseases but also because the babies are too young, immature organs, low resistance, prone to many risks. .

Previously this care was only done for postpartum babies to skin-to-skin contact with the mother. Currently, the Department of Neonatal Resuscitation has conducted this method for low birth weight babies to help them stay warm, stabilize heart rate, limit apnea, and help babies digest. better.

After the application has been implemented since 2016, the rate of successful preterm infants has significantly increased, including 26-week-old babies weighing 900-1000 grams that have been saved.

The Kangaroo incubation method is performed by medical staff (doctors, nurses) who have been trained and have skills in neonatal emergency resuscitation. The health-care worker helps to place the child in skin-to-skin contact with the mother or father in Kangaroo position: Between the mother's breasts, the baby's position is nearly vertical, the head is turned to one side, the baby's hands are placed on the breasts. The mother, with two legs hugging her mother's womb, wore a hat, socks, and diapers.



Photo: Health workers instruct mothers on how to perform the Kangaroo method

Subjects of application:

           - Preterm infants under 37 weeks gestation;

           - weighing under 2500 gr;

           - No longer dangerous medical conditions: Respiratory failure, sepsis ...

           - Began to practice oral feeding;

           - Mom, dad or family members have time to take care of Kangaroo together for kids.  

Benefits and benefits of Kangaroo incubation method:

          - Help children keep warm, reduce the risk of hypothermia, stabilize the heart rate breathing;

          - Support brain development for children;

          - Develop mental and emotional for children, help children sleep better;

          - Reduce mortality rate;

          - Support breastfeeding, promote the bond between mother and baby, prevent postpartum depression.

- Help reduce the burden on health care workers for child care and monitoring. Babies lying with their mothers do not need to use incubators, so they can save money on equipment and can use equipment for preterm infants to care for Kangaroo method for other sick children.

- Taking care of children by the Kangaroo method has special benefits for premature and low birth weight babies: significantly improving the chances of living, completing the 5 senses quickly. children feel warm through skin-to-skin contact (tactile), listen to mother's voice (auditory), breastfeed (taste), eye contact with mother (sight) and smell of mothers (smell). So, taking care of low-birth-weight premature babies with the Kangaroo method is a humane care that ensures the best possible start for your child's growth and development.

It is expected that in the near future, the Department of Neonatal Resuscitation of Lao Cai Pediatric Hospital in Lao Cai will apply the Kangaroo method to ventilated preterm infants with the expectation that the child will reduce apnea, stop the machine as well as help the family. families are closer to the younger, more engaged in child care work. All for the comprehensive development of young children!



Hình ảnh các bố, mẹ đang thực hiện phương pháp Kangaroo tại khoa HSSS



Địa chỉ: 2977/14 - Highway 1 - Quarter 5 - Tan Thoi Nhat Ward - District 12 - Tp. Ho Chi Minh

Hotline: (028) 36 088 688

Phone : (028) 35 925 339

Email: [email protected]

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